Our tools are developed by specialized lawyers and are used by hundreds of companies with thousands of users. The needs and requirements differ between different industries and therefore we have tailor-made solutions for, among others, Lawyers, Law Firms, Accountants, Accounting Consultants, Financial Advisors and Real Estate Agents.
You perform your AML controls, incl. KYC, and Risk Assessments of clients and matters in a swift and digital flow of 8 simple steps.
The tool also contains flexible functions for, for example, identifying customers via BankID and digitally signing, for example engagement letters, using BankID. Everything is included in the fixed annual fee.
Due Monitor automatically updates and screens your Nordic customers regarding the following comprehensive information::
What obligations do you, your firm and its employees have according to the Money Laundering Legislation? How do you fulfill these in the easiest and best way? We offer specific courses for Lawyers/Lawyers and Accountants/Accounting Consultants respectively.
Due Conflict provides the user with a comprehensive and swift tool for Conflict Checks. Internal reconciliations between e.g. assistants and lawyers are done quickly and easily with the system's unique functions and are documented in the system.
With our modern and stable APIs, we can easily integrate all our services into, for example, your business-, ERP- or CRM system.
We want to do what we can to prevent Money Laundering. We do this by making it easier for our customers to comply with Money Laundering Legislation.